Thursday, October 8, 2009

Awesome Thursday!!

So today was a good day for the most part! After Brice went to school, Kinnon and I spent time together and did some things around the house! We picked up Brice and I was told by one of Brice's teachers that they would be calling me to discuss his behavior the past two days! Seems he has forgotten his listening skills and thinks he doesn't need to clean up when the teacher tells him too among other things. I am hoping that since tonight is a special Brice, Mommy and Daddy night, he will be a better listener going forward. There are usually two reasons why Brice does not listen well, he is tired or he wants more attention and is jealous of Kinnon. Either way, we will definitely have to work on it so we don't get another call from the teacher!
Well, I took Kinnon and Brice to get their flu shots today and then dropped Kinnon off at Grandma's for the night. I miss him but I know he is having a great time there! Brice, Daddy and I went to the Walking with the Dinosaurs show which was awesome! The dinosaurs were so lifelike and huge! And even though they were loud and some scary to me, Brice had his eyes wide open and a smile on his face the whole time. I am so glad we took him, I think Kinnon may have even enjoyed it too with exception of sitting still for a good while!
I called Grandma to check on Kinnon and she said he ate and ate and ate and was fine (I was worried about how he might react to the flu shot) and is now asleep.

It was a good night and I think I should end it now by going to bed. Night Night!

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